He is resolving himself to the fact that even when “ages and ages” pass, he will still wonder what if he had taken the other road. The speaker seems to be content with his choice, yet he tells it with a sigh. He again makes an excuse why he chose this articular road as he took the one less traveled by even though in line he admits that both roads are really the same.

He looks back and regrets his decision, I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence. It appears that the last stanza is written long after he makes his decision. His choice becomes the road taken therefore, the choice he did not make becomes The Road Not Taken. He wants to hold on to the other possibility, but knows this cannot be possible. Here, he knows he is bound by that choice. This is where the reader makes his choice. He knows that once he makes a decision there’s no turning back. His reason for this indecision is that knowing how way lead on to way, I doubted f I should ever come back.

Oh, I kept the first for another day! the speaker anticipates he has more time to decide. The leaves that cover the ground have not been stepped on and no step had trodden black, indicates that no one has traveled down the road since the leaves haven fallen. However, he still cannot decide which one of the roads to travel on. In the third stanza the speaker realizes he has to make a decision soon, because he just cannot stand there forever. This choice might again change his life and bring him new experiences. He makes the choice based on who he is and what choices he has made in the past. He is the type of person that wants to try something new and different. By taking this road, a clue to Frosts personality is exposed. He takes the other road that is grassy and wanted wear indeed, the road he chooses has a better claim because it is the road that is less traveled on. However, in line 10 he confesses that both roads are, in fact, not different at all as for that passing there had worn them really about the same. Here he tries to make an excuse for choosing his road over the other because it was grassy and wanted wear. The speaker tries to differentiate one road from another as he describes one road as “having perhaps the better claim”. The second stanza shows the difficulty of making choices. The speaker has a difficult choice to make and is carefully considering his options, but he must choose one of the roads to travel. In the first stanza, the emphasis is on the road that was not traveled, but he cannot and be one traveler on both paths. The road he chooses leads to the unknown choice in life. In an attempt to make a decision, the speaker “looked down one as far as I could”. There is a strong sense of wonder before the choice is made because he knows that in one lifetime he cannot travel down on every road. It is always difficult to make a decision, because it is impossible not to wonder what will be missed out. Frost states “And sorry I could not travel both,” that shows the point in which speaker will choose only one path in which to travel on. It is unclear to him what the consequences would be if he chooses either road. ” However, each road “bent in the undergrowth” as where each road obviously different. He tries to consider he consequences as he “looked down one as far as I could.

The poem begins with simple sentence, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,” as the speaker sees two roads before him and obviously he cannot travel on both at the same time. The speaker had two roads to choose from and wonders what would have happened if he had taken the other road. In any case however, this poem clearly demonstrates Frosts belief that it is the road that speaker chooses that makes him who he is. Throughout this poem, it is obvious that decisions are not easy to make, and each decision will lead him down a different road to travel. It is this way that he chooses to decide where he is going to travel. Both paths are different and choosing the right one will depend on his past experience. When speaker comes to a fork road, a decision needs to be made. Frost illustrates speaker to make a difficult decision about choosing one of two equally promising roads to travel on. Robert Frosts poem “The Road Not Taken” is about how the choices affect speakers life. A straight path never leaves speaker with one sole direction on which to travel. Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous life.